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COVID19 Changes at Hello Housekeeping

Latest Advice for safe house cleaning during COVID

Stormont Regulations – Northern Ireland

7th January 2020 – The NI government introduced new regulations to curb the rise in coronavirus cases from the 7/1/2021 – it is scheduled to end at midnight on 6th February however the regulations will be reviewed on 21st January.

“Households are not allowed to mix indoors in private homes. Certain exemptions apply, including: the services of trades or professions “

View NI Direct Source

Latest UK government advice
  • Work in the home like cleaning can continue provided the person carrying out the work has no symptoms and that no-one in their household is shielding or self-isolating
  • Social distancing of at least 2 metres must be maintained
  • Travel to and from this type of work is allowed
  • No work should be carried out by any tradesperson who has coronavirus symptoms, however mild
  • More details can be found on the government website here
For the safety of both Clients and Cleaners, we have introduced the following rules
  • Cleaners must not clean if anyone in their household has symptoms (however mild), shielding or self-isolating
  • Clients must not allow cleaning if anyone in their household has symptoms (however mild), shielding or self-isolating
  • Clients must stay in a different room to the cleaner. Social distancing of at least 2 metres must be maintained at all times
Social Distancing & Face Coverings

Cleaning is one of the few exceptions for entering peoples homes; it is incredibly important that cleaners respect Government guidelines and clients’ wishes when they are entering a property.

  • Cleaners must at all times observe social distancing of 2 metres from anyone in the property
  • Face coverings are not mandatory, however if the client asks for them to wear one, then they should be prepared to do so
  • As always cleaners must never under any circumstances, take anyone (including children) with them to a clean
All cleaners must follow our detailed cleaning and safety guidelines

These are based on the latest guidelines from Public Health England, Health Protection Scotland and the NHS.

  • Thoroughly wash their hands before, during and after their cleans with warm soapy water
  • Surfaces should be cleaned using regular products and then where possible, disinfected using a product that is certified to kill 99.9% of germs, such as Dettol Antibacterial Surface Cleaner Spray or Xtra Protect Sanitiser
  • Special attention should be paid to “high touched” areas such as; door and cupboard handles, light switches, TV remotes, tables, countertops etc
  • Warm water (not hot or cold) should be used when cleaning surfaces and mopping floors, to maximise the effectiveness of cleaning products
  • Use disposable or machine washable gloves
  • Open windows where possible for ventilation
  • Wash cleaning cloths and mop covers at a high temperature (60°C or above) after every use
  • Avoid shaking dirty laundry and soft furnishings such as bath mats and rugs